Sunday, September 9, 2012


Welcome to Musical Nonsense!

This blog will be all about...surprise,!

I'll be sharing concert reviews, musical encounters,
favorite songs and albums from the past, present and future.

Special thanks to my friend Maggie, for the blog name.
Yeah, OK, I 'stole' it from her.
It was her AIM name, once upon a time.
I thought it would be a cool name for this blog,
and it wasn't used yet, so voila!
Musical Nonsense it is!

So since I got my inspiration from her, I should at least share
the story of how we became friends in the first place.
Through music, of course!

I lived on the west coast, she lived on the east coast.
I was twenty-something, she was in her teens.
But in spite of all these differences, we became friends,
because of our love for a certain band.
[Which I'm sure I'll write about...eventually!]
A good majority of the stories and reviews I'll be sharing
more than likely wouldn't have happened if we hadn't 'met'.

Hope you'll enjoy my blog and leave a comment or two!

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